This post will tell you how to configure the Oracle 11g Database.
In the previous post, you learnt how to install the Oracle 11g Database Software with "Install Software Only" option, If you do not have any idea about the previous post, refer the below mentioned link:
In this post, I will show you how to configure the Oracle 11g database.
There are 2 important steps to configure the Oracle 11g database software:
- Creating a Listener Service
- Creating a Database
I assume the following;
- Listener service name will be "LISTENER"
- Listener service will be using the port "1521"
- Listener will be created using a utility called NETwork Configuration Assistant or NETCA
- The listener must be started before the database creation
- The Oracle Database name or SID will be "ORCL"
- The Oracle database will be created using the utility Database Configuration Assistant or DBCA
- The character set of the Oracle Database will be Unicode or AL32UTF8
STEPS : Creating a Listener
1. go to the $ORACLE_HOME/bin and run the file "netca"
2. Click "Listener Configuration" and press "Next"
3. click the "Add" radio button and press "Next"
4. Name the listener or use the default name "LISTENER" and press "Next"
5. choose your communication protocol type and press "Next"
6. Choose your port number. Default port number is 1521 and press "Next"
7. Press "No" unless you want to configure another listener. press "Next"
8. Listener creation is completed. press "Next" and "Finish"
STEPS : Creating a Database
1. Before you start the DBCA to create the database, Start your Listener by the command "lsnrctl start"
2. Go to the location $ORACLE_HOME/bin and run the file "dbca"
3. Press "Next"
4. Press the radio button "Create a Database" and Press "Next"
5. Choose "General Pupose Transactional ..." and Press "Next"
6. Enter the name of the Database as "ORCL"
7. make sure "Configure Enterprise Manager is checked" and Press "Next"
8. Since we have a limited number of schemas, it is wise to choose the same password for all the schemas
9. Press "Next"
10. Make sure your check the box "Enable Archiving" and Press "Next"
11. If you want the sample schemas like "employee" table make sure you check the "sample schemas" check box and Press "Next"
12. Can you see the four tabs on this picture ? go to the "Character Set" tab
13. Change the Character Set to AL32UTF8 aka UNICODE
14. Press "Next"
15. Press "Finish"
16. Press "OK"
17. Wait for the installation to complete
18. Installation completed
19. Start your Database and see if it is working correctly by using the command "sqlplus / as sysdba" to start the SQLPlus utility and start the database by using the command "startup open; " and use the query "select name from v$database;" to check if the ORACLE_SID matches the database you have created.